What is the difference between a website and a web system?
A standard website is usually made up of a dozen html pages. Overall, their capabilities are often very limited because they are restricted to using basic or outdated technology. A standard website often needs a degree of technical knowledge to update regularly. Because of this a website may be left static for long periods of time.
A web system is a different entity altogether. Some of the most popular web systems include: Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal and Magento. At first glance it may act or look like a typical website, but it’s what’s working in the background server side that makes the difference. Web systems often have several server services, a database and advanced technology, such as PHP, to make it run. The reason for this is the capability they can offer with this advanced technology. Many web systems have user-friendly CMS (Content Management Systems) which makes blogging and updating the site easy. Third party components and modules may be made installed to increase the functionality of the web system. Need a cart or ecommerce solution? Have it installed on your web system. Need a media gallery for photos, images, videos and custom audio? Have it installed to your web system. Need more SEO and SEF features? Additional components and modules can be added to improve this for your web system.
New Web Experts is experienced in developing effective web systems for our clients. We can build simple web systems for a single person or advanced web systems for Fortune 500 companies. Contact us today for a free quote on your project or business emarketing.
Can you help make my website more interactive for visitors and clients?User interactivity is a very important factor for your online marketing. New Web Experts has years of experience in the online marketing field. Our team researches the latest technology and techniques that can be used to help generate user interactivity and drive more online business. We can help develop effective online marketing campaigns, plans and strategies for your business. Contact New Web Experts today for more information on how we can assist your business and online marketing.
Can you help me keep my site updated and provide dynamic content?Yes we can. New Web Experts has an experienced team of online marketers. Well versed in search engine optimization and search engine friendliness, New Web Experts can generate dynamic content for your website to be released on a regular basis. Content is king to today’s search engines, and having the New Web Experts help infuse it into your website is a sure fire strategy for climbing search engines organically. Contact us today to learn more.
Do you help with online ad campaigns?New Web Experts can assist with online ad campaigns. First, we evaluate your current business and online marketing to see if online ad campaigns can benefit you. If they can, New Web Experts can help manage it for you. Through personal consultation with your business, New Web Experts will help generate an online ad campaign with Google Adwords, Yahoo Ads or any online ad campaign service of your choice. We’ll work with you get to results.
What will my costs be? Will this be the same every year?The first and foremost question on every client's mind is "cost... how much will this set me back?" While costs are a valid and important concern when developing one of the most important tools of today's business, one should not let that be the only factor in choosing their online solution. Online web presence is paramount in today's industries. Studies show that over 25% of the world's population is now online and uses the Internet to find what they are looking for. It is impossible to see the priceless marketing potential this brings to any individual or company. Ten years ago companies charged outrageous fees for websites, we are able to offer competitive prices. Our technology is the reason. By using powerful open source technology, efficient servers and a library of modules and solutions at our finger tips, we are able to pass the incredible savings on to our clients. Ask for an estimate on your project today!
How long would it take New Web Experts to build my site? The second most common question we hear is about the turn around time for a website. Website turn around time can differ depending on the projects. Based on the size of the project, level of content, desired solutions and tools, and finally the cooperation of the client in providing all the needed content in a reasonable time frame, custom websites can take anywhere from a couple of weeks all the way to a couple months to design, develop and launch. Again, this is something our representatives will gladly go over with you at the time of your project estimate.
What exactly is "New Web" or Web 2.0? Web 2.0 is a term used for the new interactive content managed sites. These websites have search engine optimization, blogs, interactive content and advanced modules built-in rather than the typical static traditional websites. Some also use advanced language and are connected to a database, whereas the traditional sites were just web folders with html language and images. The future of online marketing absolutely requires advanced solutions and content managed websites in order to create a web presence and succeed in reaching the web sphere.
What is the difference between the content managed sites and my web page I got 2 years ago?Content Managed sites with advanced back-end administration are more of a web system than websites. They offer many tools, modules and components that can help create an impressive, useful and interactive experience - not to mention help boost online presence. Old websites most of our clients had purchased or had built were nice in looks but had nothing to offer when it came to diverse content, multimedia or search engine optimization unless they were developed and maintained by an advanced programmer. This would result in higher annual website costs.
Why is it important to write articles or "Blogs" in my website? Blogs, or articles as we refer to them, are the best thing that has happened to the process of building content for a website. In the old days of static websites, you would end up with a limited number of pages with literally no updates or changes for a long period of time. This impaired the ability of a site to climb the pages of search engines. With the method of blogs as articles adding content constantly and exponentially to a website, one can easily implement all the key words that the site should be found under. By studying the rule of "Key Word Density" one can also fine tune the articles to not only deliver informative pages to the viewers, but to really help climb the search engine rating organically.
Is it good to have flash animation in my website? While websites with Flash animation and effects look impressive and can make that great initial impression on the viewer, they introduce two problems:
1) Flash sites are not viewable by some browsers and most hand held devices, therefore by having a flash animated site one loses the potential of a lot of traffic
2) Flash itself is not spidered by search engines. While the flash item itself can have some search engine-friendly keywords and meta information entered, the actual flash content itself is not something the search engines will crawl. Therefore the less Flash you have in a site the more search engine friendly it is.
What is the advantage of having custom built websites as opposed to template sites?
One of the most common questions we run into from our future clients is the following: " Why should I spend more to have a custom built site with you when I can get a "website tonight" type of deal for 1/3 the cost?"
The answer is quite simple. While finding cookie-cutter template sites online are inexpensive and some are user-friendly enough to where a person can get a website going literally in one or two days, what the client is not informed of are the limitations these template sites have. First of all, it is not easy to add customized areas. Some may be lacking have many features or areas that are later required for a client as their business grows. While costs of such a site are initially lower than that of having a professional crew build it from the ground up, when necessity requires for the website to be more interactive or diverse, the client then realizes the need for hiring professionals to make things happen as needed. This causes high costs in time and expenditure. Finally, custom websites add the feel of uniqueness and originality while most template sites look the same and lose their branding ability to stand out of the rest.
What happened to DeluxeArtist.com or DeluxeAgent.com? Has the company been taken over?
Our old sites are still up and running and New Web is NOT a new company, rather a new and fresh launch of our collaboration between our divisions and team members in all genres. This will not in any way affect your contacts with our team or your annual costs to your web site. New Web is our presence on the web and we are very proud to consolidate all our solutions into one large web solutions outfit.